
How to Overcome the Most Common House Building Challenges

Building your own home in Thailand comes with a wide array of obstacles, most of which can be eliminated with the correct planning, and help, of course. The best thing for any soon-to-be home builders, is to learn from other’s mistakes, and to take note where others have succeeded in putting those mistakes right by overcoming the most common home building obstacles.


It will come as no surprise to most people that setting a budget and sticking to it is the first and most important obstacle to overcome. Some people may find it reasonably easy to decide on how much money they can either afford to spend, or if money is no issue, how much they would like to spend. The even harder decisions start to arise when you start to put the costs together, things can really spiral out of control often leading to compromise, sacrifice and perhaps even disappointment.

Design problems

Most design obstacles are heavily linked to your determined budget, and that, when it comes to choices, the area of home design is almost limitless. Once you’ve decided on the layout of your home by designing your floor plan, you’ll then need to choose your products and materials which can be extremely hard to do when house building (known as รับสร้างบ้าน in Thai) because it’s such a vast aspect of home design. You’ll find yourself going back and forth between design, and budget, having to make some tough decisions between what you would like and what your budget can afford.

Hanging around

Once you’ve finally got your plan, and design agreed, you’ll have to try and organize getting all of the equipment that is required, and the required help. Even if you are going to build your home yourself, you will need to employ the services of professionals in certain areas, even if you’re a construction manager it is highly unlikely that you’ll be able to build your home from the ground up, completely by yourself. At this point there is likely to be a fair bit of hanging around because trying to orchestrate the delivery of your products, materials and required professionals to all come together at the right times takes some doing.

How to make the process run more smoothly

To make your life a whole load easier, those that have gone before you have turned to home builders who can offer you pre-designed house plans which incorporate products and materials, so you don’t have to go through all the hassle yourself. In addition, they can have your house factory built, delivered, and assembled leaving you the all-important task of inspecting the build followed by putting your feet up to relax in your new home.

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